Exercise, we all know is one of the most integral part of being fit and healthy but despite knowing this fact and having a strong desire to work out, do we really spare time to give our bodies just 1 hour from your hectic daily routines? Not really!! We need to plan our workout in such a way that it doesn’t take away too much of our work time and yet help us feel fantastic. All we need to do is give our body 100 minutes/week, which means you can exercise for 30 minutes – thrice a week or 15 minutes every day or 45 minutes- twice a week. It’s simple yet effective. You can choose any of the exercise options from below:
• Jog/run for 15/30 minutes is an excellent way to relieve your body stiffness and feel fresh.
• 15 minutes stair climbing
• 15 minutes skipping
• 15/30 minutes dance
• 45 minutes of whole bodyweight training
• 15/30 minutes of Surya namaskars
• 15 minutes yoga
• 15 minutes of pilates/power yoga
Try to fix one time of the day for your workout, and especially it’s best if you can do it in the morning as there are lesser chances of you ditching it in the evening due to other social commitments. These workouts can be done even at home or building without you having to join expensive gyms or clubs. You can try a mix of these workouts doing different activities every day to shock your body and add some variety. Just 100 minutes a week can have the following effect on you:
• Improve blood circulation to the brain and thereby improving concentration.
• Help you sleep better.
• Make you happy and ready to face challenges positively.
• Reduce fat%.
• Increase bone mass.
• Improve skin and hair texture.
• Reduce appetite, helping you shed extra weight.
• Rejuvenate you and reduce stress hormones.
• Makes your heart healthier.
• Improves self-esteem and makes you more confident.
Remember, when you feel good, you look good. Your inner health is evident in your outer appearance. Invest just 100 minutes a week for a BRAND NEW YOU.