My Story as an Integrative Nutritionist and Health Coach

I started my journey as a nutritionist in 2008, after graduating in Home Science with dietetics as my majors. My first job was in a reputed gym followed by several health and fitness centres, physiotherapists and naturopaths, only to realise that I was cut out to be my BOSS!

I began my private practice from a simple home set-up where I started helping clients reverse weight issues, diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, PCOS, hypertension, skin and hair problems etc. on one side and the other hand I had this innate desire to help people become health independent. Hence I started educating people with authentic health information and started motivating them through workshops and seminars in schools, colleges, corporates, women organisation etc. I also wrote articles/ blogs in reputed magazines and health portals but little did I know that the universe had bigger and better plans for me.

In 2016, I moved into my cute little clinic space, expanded my team and professionalised my services. It was in the same year when I started my YouTube channel, which added to my credibility and trust in people about my work. Very soon after that, I embraced Veganism which changed my entire perspective about health and the way I looked at life. From then on, I began conducting healthy plant-based cooking workshops and recipe development for cafes, restaurants and health brands.

My Health Coaching Philosophy

The mystical human body

I genuinely believe that our body is the universe’s most magical creation on planet earth with 75 trillion cells, coworking to keep us in the best of health. All that the body requires from us is the raw ingredients and the right kind of fuel to help us thrive beautifully through life. Every cell of our body has the innate knowledge to heal itself, and the body sends us all the signs and signals when it needs attention. All that we need to do is move inwards and connect with ourselves deeply to understand the body’s messages and give it some tender loving care rather than fearing it.

Syncing with the natural rhythm

Our human body has a circadian rhythm that works as per the sun and moon cycle, which is why we rise with the sunrise and sleep when the sunsets. The body has three primary functions – cleaning, building and repairing and performs each function majorly at specific times of the day. So when we support the body with the right kind of fuel as per its functions at different times of the day, we allow it to do its best and to keep us at our healthiest best.

Integration is the key

Over a decade of practice and meeting and counselling 1000s of people with various health and life issues, I realised that health is not one straight line and not just confined to the food on our plate but a lot of other factors in our life such as our relationships, career, joy, spirituality, home and work environment, activity, sleep, stress etc. So it is very important to see a person as a whole and guide him/ her with all the possible therapies and modes of healing, rather than focusing on just a few symptoms. I integrate all these factors in my health coaching to help people understand the root cause of their problem and then work on practical and sustainable solutions to help them eventually become health independent.

Selfcare is not selfish

In our early years of life, we were taught that giving and caring for others is the best virtue but never were we told that you can’t pour out of an empty cup. So self-love and self-care is the first and the most crucial step towards great health, and most people don’t know how to do that. Hence I realised helping people to learn the art of self-love, me time and how to value yourself just like you would value a loved one can make a big deal of difference to their well-being.



Understanding the root cause of your problem Not band-aiding your symptoms
Sustainable lifestyle modification Quick fixes, diet trends and magic pills
Personalised food and lifestyle plan to suit your uniqueness One size fits all approach
Long term self-improvement ideas Short term thinking

Fun facts about me

  • I was a sugar addict as a child and ate a count-less number of biscuits, cakes and sweets every day until my mom would catch me and scold.
  • I was the fattest in my group during my school and college days and was referred to as “moti.”
  • In my early years of life, I was notorious for being the chatterbox and even today give me a mic, and I can talk endlessly!
  • Exercise was like a punishment for me until I was 20 years old, and now yoga and dance is my happy drug!
  • I was a non-veg lover before I turned a vegan and now even the smell of it cringes me
  • An all-time chaat fanatic and cannot resist it, if in front of me even when I am full up to my neck..
  • An absolute movie buff who enjoys her samosas and pop-corn in the theatre without any guilt.
  • Being an extrovert, I can easily make friends with anyone and be the ice-breaker.
  • Most of the times I am a super clumsy eater and cannot eat without dropping a bit on my clothes or the table. But that’s me in my elements, enjoying my food to the fullest.