The word DIS-EASE itself means that the body is not at ease. Over the generations, we are made to believe that diseases are a normal aspect of ageing and that we have to live with it. Thanks to the “A pill for every ill” notion, we do not think of a disease as a message from the body trying to tell us that something is not in sync with its natural laws. Instead, we fear it and look for treatments outside us rather than turning inwards and connecting with ourselves to gauge what in our food and lifestyle is a miss. Think of it, our body can heal a broken bone by itself without any medications and interventions from our end, so it can definitely heal any disease or health issue once we provide it with all the right things it needs.

“Disease is only a healthy response to an unhealthy environment” -Brian Schaefer
“Disease is only a healthy response to an unhealthy environment” -Brian Schaefer

Easing Dis-ease
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent illness plaguing our world today with at least one member in every house battling with it.
Type 1 diabetes occurs due to an injury to your pancreas due to food poisoning, viral or bacterial infection, toxin or a physical blow to the gland and not due to our own cells attacking the pancreas. This can manifest in young age as juvenile diabetes but can also happen at a later stage in life, with the correct food and lifestyle regime one can reduce the intensity of the pancreatic damage and improve the quality of life.
Type 2 diabetes: Generally, sugar is seen as an evil and a primary cause of diabetes, but in reality, high blood sugar acts like a messenger to tell us that there is an underlying problem with our liver and pancreas. So, cutting back on carbohydrates is like shunning the messenger away but not really treating the root problem. It all begins with a sluggish and a stagnant liver which fails to help us balance our blood sugar levels further, affecting our pancreatic functioning leading to inadequate insulin production. Many times, it is also the high levels of bad fat in our blood, making our cells insulin resistant which are then unable to utilise the glucose effectively leaving our blood with high sugar levels. This then leads to all the symptoms associated with diabetes like excessive thirst, hunger, urination, fatigue and if ignored can lead to severe symptoms like nerve, kidney, eye and foot damage, ear impairment and brain issues. Any kind of chronic physical or mental stress can cause excess adrenaline release, which can over time damage the pancreatic cells, affect the liver functions and further make our cells more insulin resistant worsening the existing conditions.
The good news is that type 2 diabetes is absolutely reversible and manageable once we focus on rectifying the liver and pancreatic issues, improve gut health, alter the quality of fat intake and manage stress and activity. We believe that you do not have to live with diabetes and its unpleasant symptoms instead manage it well and thrive with it and this is what we handhold you towards!
As we all know that the thyroid gland is the body’s master gland and besides regulating metabolism it also regulates every cell of the body and good thyroid health is imperative to keep the other organs healthy like brain, heart, kidney, nerve function and development, plus the function of the skin, hair, eyes and intestines. It also acts as the data collection centre from every cell and responds by signalling the body to provide all that is needed by the cells for perfect functioning. Since the thyroid gland manages all this and so much more, taking good care of it in terms of food and daily habits is vital for its seamless functioning.
Our thyroid health can be severely affected by the wrong foods, poor gut health, sluggish liver and a viral load in our system which slowly and steadily damage our thyroid cells leading to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, ashimoto’s disease, goitre, thyroiditis and in severe cases thyroid cancer. In many cases, the dosage of the thyroid pills has been reduced just by edicatedly working towards thyroid healthy by improving the body’s cleansing ability and immunity and nurturing and nourishing the thyroid gland with right kind of herbs and supplements.
Nothing can beat a healthy heart! This super hard-working organ goes on selflessly every second to make sure we are well oxygenated, well-nourished and well-cleansed. But all this can be hindered when we do not put our heart and soul in taking care of our health and abuse the body with all sorts of junk, lack of activity, smoking, alcohol and other stressors. All this increases the toxicity and pastiness of the blood and inflammation, which narrows the arteries causing high blood pressure.
Inflammation also increases blood cholesterol levels which is essential for cell repair, but if inflammation is not controlled through natural means, the excess cholesterol can settle in the arteries forming a plaque holding other substances together.
The problem is not the high cholesterol or the high blood pressure; it is the underlying toxicity and inflammation which needs to be tackled. Taking a pill and suppressing these symptoms is like a Band-Aid which masks the problem but does not cure it from the root. In fact, all these medications come with a host of side effects which further affects the liver and heart health.
We believe in managing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels naturally to lower them with the help of an anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle plan, activity and stress management thereby improving heart health.
The most mothering organ in our body which takes care of us endlessly and takes a hit for all the wrong things we expose our body to in our day to day life like chemicals (from food, beauty products, cleaning agents, air fresheners etc.), unwanted medications and steroids, toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, copper etc. through food, dental treatments, water,virus and bacteria and stress hormones.
The liver performs more than 500 vital functions including metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein, detoxification and purification of the blood, excretion of excess hormones, drugs, cholesterol, bile, enzyme activation, storing excess carbs, vitamins, minerals and many more. No wonder it is one of the most powerful and hard-working organs and it’s poor health is the root of almost every symptom under the sun like acne, brain fog, auto-immune disorder, constipation, gall stones, gout, dark circles, fatigue, sinus, UTI, varicose veins and weight gain etc.
Hence, we try to deal with most of the symptoms a person experiences by rectifying a sluggish, fatty, and bogged down liver to revive all the normal functions of the body as they are meant to be and strengthen the liver to help you live a life full of zest and vigor!
The kidneys are essentially a filtration system which filters out the toxins passed on by the liver. The kidneys gather the poisons and move them into the bladder to be excreted out of the system. They can be affected due to over medications, toxic load, viral infections or injury, which can slow down the filtration process, thereby overloading and damaging them. Also, excess intake of protein, especially animal protein, can burden the kidneys, which further slows it down preventing the toxins and the sludge to be excreted from the system which can then manifest as kidney issues such as kidney stones, infections and chronic kidney disease.
We work towards unburdening kidneys by introducing cleansing foods and herbs, balancing the proteins and electrolytes to help the body get rid of the stones and preventing further damage to the kidneys.
Cancer is not the end of life; it is a renewed chance for you to redirect all your energies in nurturing your body with the tender loving care it requires physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It actually teaches you self-care and self-love, which are a pre-requisite for a healthy body.
Cancer usually thrives in an environment which is acidic, full of toxins and viral load and emotionally stressed. We handhold you in this journey of recovery by supporting you with alkaline and cleansing foods, immunity-boosting herbs, detox techniques, counselling to de-stress and bring back your hope to live as beautifully as you did before.
Our 1 month/ 3 month/ 6 month program includes the following:
Complete health history evaluation to understand your food and lifestyle habits. |
Thorough body assessment including weight, B.M.R., B.M.I., fat %, muscle mass, metabolic age, visceral fat and body measurements. |
Guidance on the necessary blood work required. |
Counselling and coaching based on your problems and queries. |
Personalized food and lifestyle plan with supplementation if required. |
Weekly follow-ups to assess your progress and make modifications accordingly. |
Complete eating out guide, cooking guidelines, self-improvement tips and a bunch of healthy recipes to kick start the process. |
P.S. We believe that a minimum of 3 months is what the body needs to adapt to the new changes and kick off the correction process. In some cases, it might also take 6 months to 1 year, depending on the type and severity of your symptoms.
Not from Mumbai?
Worry not, because we can still help you to embark on your health journey irrespective of which corner of the globe you are in through our online wellness program.

It has been two years that I have been associated with you. My journey with you started with addressing my sugar levels (Diabetes). When I first made contact with you, the fasting sugar was 300. Through your guidance and diet plan, within the first two months I was showing results and achieved levels of 100 fasting sugar.
To me as a human, the journey was not about addressing the medical condition. It was an awakening. Change in eating habits. Knowing the body and learning how the body operates.
Recently, during the current pandemic, and work from home, I had lost track and found myself in the trap and sugar readings went high once again, to 200 fasting levels. All the contributing factors to such a result was due to my oversight and not following the plan you had suggested. Overindulgence of food, zero exercise. Where I was supposed to be careful, I became careless.
However, this time around, when I shared with you my concern, the engagement with you touched a new high of self-realisation. Self-awareness and valuing self and the body were the guiding principles. Within 2 weeks, you not only helped me reach the unimaginable level of sugar management (below 100 fasting), but you helped me learn what is the requirement of the body.
Earlier and this time, the doctors who treated me were unable to believe the results. The suggestion from them the first time and this time was to increase dosage of medicine, but with your guidance on avail, I have never ever gone that route but trusted you and your path.
I must comment and add, you are a gifted soul, and the universe has blessed you with the art of treating things the natural way, and I thank the universe to connect me with you.
The exercises, the diet, the yoga and your personal communication and your personal interest in your client is a support that a human being requires in such times, you are the motivation and I thank you for everything. I remain indebted and obliged…………

I honestly never thought my dad would ever get off of insulin , he took 2 shots of it every day. He always had home food and had healthy habits or atleast he thought he did but after consulting Neha and her doing a thorough analysis of what works for my dad , we started off with a vegan diet which helped him so much so that after a while he happily could manage without insulin. It’s been about a year now and his blood sugar levels are still under control and he has totally stopped taking insulin ! He himself tells me that he never thought he would or could get off of it but he did ! Thanks to Neha for her continued support . Apart for my bus , what I would really like to give her credit for, is the amount of effort it took for her to make my dad unlearn all the misinformation he had learned from various sources. This actually helped him maintain his lifestyle in the long run ,even after finishing his coaching time with Neha . They say that the right coach is not someone who is always there for you but someone who teaches you how to trust yourself and lead life in a correct way without any guidance after a while ,… if this story is not an example for that then I don’t know what is 🙂