“ She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite her fear” - Atticus

“ She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite her fear” - Atticus



The essence of a woman lies in her heart, not her looks, body or curve. Her hormones make her the woman that she is. Any imbalance or disruption in any hormone can affect the communication between the brain, glands and different organs of the body which can exhibit as unpleasant minor symptoms such as mood swings, skin and hair issues, brain fog, fatigue, lethargy, low appetite and major symptoms such as depression, infertility, poor growth which can actually rob a woman from herself at any stage of womanhood.

But all of this can be corrected with the right nourishment in terms of food, mind and soul to help you feel be-you-tiful and comfortable in your only precious body.



Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common metabolic disorder where imbalance in the levels of male hormones is what causes the lack of ovulation and push the ovaries to work differently resulting in abnormal weight gain, irregular periods, hirsutism (excessive facial hair), and infertility. We, however, believe that with good nourishment and proper lifestyle management, this syndrome can surely be tackled wonderfully and managed well through one’s lifetime.

While Characteristics of PCOS can vary widely and medication just acts a Band-Aid, we dig deeper for the root cause (Inflammation, Insulin resistance, Stress, Toxicity) and work with a holistic approach to empower you to take charge of your health.



Just as mentioned above, hormones delicately balance not only the reproductive system but every aspect of our body and our overall well-being. Symptoms like heavy or scanty periods, irregular periods (late or early), painful periods, P.M.S. (mood swings, cravings, breast tenderness, body aches, emotional outburst etc.) signify an imbalance in our hormones which we do not need to live with the way we’ve been always told. Instead, we can rectify the root problem and have happy and healthy periods.

Endometriosis and fibroids are conditions having abnormal tissue growth causing symptoms pelvic pain, pressure, heavy menstrual bleeding, painful periods, spotting, back pain, pain with intercourse, and bladder issues. With the help of the elimination diet, correct nourishment and herbs coupled with stress management, we can help you find absolute relief from your debilitating symptoms and reverse the issue in most cases.



This is actually the beginning of a beautiful phase in a woman’s life after fulfilling all the responsibilities of childbearing and parenting duties and not the end of life as it is portrayed to be. Menopause is a normal process of life, not meant to be painful or uncomfortable with symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, irritability etc. In fact, if dealt with the right nutrients and lifestyle, it can slow down your ageing process and help you feel young forever.



We do not believe in a quick 5-minute consultation, hand you a prescription and leave you to figure it out by yourself. We believe this process is a two-way street where constant communication throughout the program is the key to satisfactory results.

Our 3 month/ 6 month program includes the following:

Complete health history evaluation to understand your food and lifestyle habits.
Thorough body assessment including weight, B.M.R., B.M.I., fat %, muscle mass, metabolic age, visceral fat and body measurements.
Guidance on the necessary blood work required.
Counselling and coaching based on your problems and queries.
Personalized food and lifestyle plan with supplementation if required.
Weekly follow-ups to assess your progress and make modifications accordingly.
Complete eating out guide, cooking guidelines, self-improvement tips and a bunch of healthy recipes to kick start the process.

P.S. We believe that a minimum of 3 months is what the body needs to adapt to the new changes and kick off the correction process. In some cases, it might also take 6 months to 1 year, depending on the type and severity of your symptoms.


Worry not, because we can still help you to embark on your health journey irrespective of which corner of the globe you are in through our online wellness program.